Thursday, September 15, 2011

The "TO DO" list still waits....

Last night we had rain so it is much too wet to work outside today, and it is also quite chilly, Autumn is certainly around the corner. 
So today I am inside and there is a long list of chores that need to be tackled which includes, shortening a pair of pants for my sister. (I don't think she knows which end to thread a needle)  LOL.  Earlier this week I picked up a quilt that had been quilted by Mr. H, this is one of the comfort quilts our guild donates to the local hospital chemo patients, my partner (members are paired up) sewed the blocks together now it is my job to sew on the binding,--- its sitting there waiting.  Ironing --- still in the basket, a big container of apples from my Mother's tree that need to be made into sauce for the freezer --- in the garage, and of course all of the regular tasks that have to be done each day.   I did none of these jobs, what did I do?
On Saturday, there is going to be a yard/garage sale on the street where one of my grand daughters live, I  know that I have some items that I no longer want or need and could sell (note to Mrs sft - possibly bumping up my travel account).  I went to my furnace/storage room, it did need a good clean, so I started.  I did have some items for the sale, however, where do all the other treasures, (bits and pieces of junk) come from.  A length of wire (6 inches)????, a mirror from a vehicle we owned three years ago, a toilet paper holder and drawer knobs from when we redid our bathroom, a huge picture of a cat???? in a chrome frame, no less, a broken florescent light bulb! what a mess.  I am either getting very forgetful or I have ghosts or goblins that come in the dead of night to store these things, have to blame it on someone---don't I?  The spiders must have been working overtime to make all of the webs I found.
I am finished and there is a place for everything and everything is in it's place.  For now.
My reward, I going to the theatre with a friend tonight and having one of our inexpensive  cheap  meals, thanks to the fast food coupons.  I know these meals are not the best nutritional choice, but occasionally shouldn't hurt.
Gotta go and get cleaned up myself.
Hope everyone is have a great day.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Proms

Today my Scottish friend and I went to a London, Ontario movie theatre to watch a live performance of "The Last Night at the Proms",  from the Royal Albert Hall  in London, England. 
Because of the time difference, our performance on the big screen started at 2:30 p.m. and it was sold out, a lot of the patrons were carrying Union Jacks that they waved when everyone was singing "Land of Hope and Glory". 
What a show, we both throughly enjoyed it -- Lang Lang, a Chinese pianist was absolutely amazing.
We could not believe the crowds that were in Hyde Park U.K. watching it on big screens there, I am sure  some big time parties were being held.
The tickets were quite expensive, but we justified the cost by using a coupon from Mac Donalds for our dinner???  It cost us $10.00 for the two of us. lol.
The theatre chain that we went to is showing a lot of live theatre from London, UK. in the upcoming months and we are hoping to see as many of them as we can.