Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April Showers bring May flowers............

All of the snow has vanished from my back garden thanks to those April showers and the temps remaining above the zero mark has given the ground a chance to thaw.  The lawn is starting to turn from the brown squashed down mass of dead leaves to spikes of green.

This week the forecast is for showers everyday except for Sunday and  I am hoping the weatherman/women, (can't bring myself to say weather person),  is right, as I am having an Open House during the afternoon on Sunday and everything looks so much better in the sunshine.  My daffodils in my front garden should be in full bloom by then too.

Visited my Mother yesterday, she finally admitted, that due to the macular degeneration (sp?) in her eyes she will not be able to do her own grocery shopping in the near future.  It is too difficult for her to see the labels on the packaging.   She will not go into an assisted living facility or live with either myself  or my sister, so just hope that all of the adjustments she has made over the past few years to accomplish her daily living routine is enough to keep her well. 

Going into the sewing room this afternoon and work on blocks for the six quilts I need to have finished by the end of July.

So must get moving...

Have a great day.


1 comment:

Gill - That British Woman said...

you are a busy bee that's for sure.