My secret Santa was "B.D." she gave me four beautiful fat quarters, the photo does not do them justice, a purse size note book in a green case (my favourite colour) a pen, and a Blessing Coin. On the front is an angel, and written on the back "May you life be filled with Blessings as you walk your path each day". Thank you so much "B" for everything.
Today I had to pay some bills, (how come they don't take a holiday), on the way home I stopped at a local thrift shop to browse. Nothing seem to be of interest to me until I spotted these two beauties. The red and green lids and the dividers inside indicate that they were designed to store Christmas tree decorations, but I have other ideas for these. Each one has a snap on lid and two snap on compartments. The best thing was the price, only $3.00 each.

Some of our guild members, including myself are making an Orange Peel Quilt. These containers will be perfect to keep my "cool" colours in one layer and "warm" ones in another, completed arcs in the others. I am going to be the most organized OPQ'er, all I have to do now is get it started, which I am hoping to do tonight when I go to guild member "J"'s house to work on it.
My world turned from green to white overnight as we had 1 1/2 inches of snow. The temps are suppose to be just above the zero mark so some of it could melt during the day.
Hope everyone is having a great day.
1 comment:
What a great idea to use the ornament boxes for 12 inch blocks! I have one or two extra ornament boxes due to the breakage of several--no, many--ornaments in the past few years, and I'm beginning a BOM of 12 inch blocks this month, so now I know where I'll keep the blocks as I go along. Thanks, Patricia.
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