Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sealed Pot Total

Myself along with a number of bloggers from several different countries decided last December to take part in The Sealed Pot Challange.   The rules, obtain a container that could be sealed, and throughout the year add coins to the pot.  Most of the bloggers had a reason for saving, a special night out, theatre tickets, Christmas spending money, etc. etc.

Previously, I thought mine would be spent on Christmas, however, have now put the money back into the sealed pot and will add more to it during 2013.  What I will spend it on has not been decided yet.

How much did I save in 2012, $155.35, it would have been more, BUT my pot wasn't sealed very well and I must confess my hand did dip into it several times.   Only bills and silver coins were in the pot as the pennies are deposited in a goldfish bowl, which incidently is almost full, and is eventually deposited into my three youngest grand daughter's bank accounts.  



Unknown said...

You did so well Patricia, considering you had a little dip in the pot from time to time.

I think it's great that you are putting the money in this year's pot.

Let me know if you have a goal in mind.

Sft x

Gill - That British Woman said...

well done you did really good. I am saving my money for March 2014.......
