Monday, June 15, 2015


My GGD and I made it through Friday with no problems, a walk to the park was cancelled due to some rain, however, we did go outside in it.   She with her rubber boots and raincoat and me under the big sunshade, blowing bubbles and she trying to catch them.  Colouring, painting and stickers kept us busy for quite a long time.  Snacks and a drink, but no naps for this little madam.   A lot of fun, and I didn't need any rocking to sleep that night.

Saturday we did some gardening and watched the hockey game.

Sunday a 65th birthday lunch for my friend's sister-in-law, ate much too much food, but it was so good.   Visited his sister during the late afternoon and evening.  She has MS as is doing OK at the present time, but you can see it is taking a toll on her.

Today was errand day.   It is very humid and quite uncomfortable,  the clouds are preventing all of the extra heat from making it feel even worse.

I have a quilt binding and label to sew on later today.

Tomorrow the new real estate broker will be talking photo's of the house, so have to make sure every thing is spic and span.

Hope you are having a great day.


1 comment:

Gill - That British Woman said...

good luck with all the photo taking......