I am here now to send everyone holiday greetings before I get too busy with last minute shopping and baking, although it is mostly all done, there always seems to be the things that have to be taken care of at the last minute.
I am going to be with family and friends throughout the holidays, as this Christmas is ............ going to be difficult.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.Hope this jolly fellow fills your stockings with everything you have asked for and more.
The white blossoms are approximately 1 inch in diameter, they look like a miniature rose. They last a couple of days then turn brown and become dry. The leaves are evergreen and shiny. The fragrance from these flowers is lovely but over powering. I put it outside during the Summer and it shoots out new growth off the main stems. and grows like wildfire, at the present time it is over 5 feet tall, after cutting it back during the Spring. It does OK during the Winter in the house in a south facing window.
Any ideas.
Hope everyone is having a great day.
The photo is a bit washed out due to the sun shining on it, and it was blowing in the wind, but it gives you an idea of how it looks. Now I have to decide what border to put on it and how I want to quilt it. Edited March 16, the size of the top is 74 by 78 inches but I have yet to add the borders.
I have learnt many lessons doing this project.
1.Organization. This is the only thing that kept this project manageable. When I decided to do this I went through all of my embroidery cotton and picked out the colours that were to be used for the cross stitch. I then pulled fabric out of my stash which was close in colour to the embroidery cotton. Each piece of fabric was then identified with the colour number and the symbol on the graph. One thing that I really didn't consider was the amount of fabric I would need.
2. Cut your squares to the exact measure using the same ruler for the entire project. This is true in all the fabric you cut, however, when dealing with such a small piece to begin with, it doesn't leave much room to compensate for that fraction of cutting error. I wasn't able to do much strip piecing due to the frequent changing of the fabric colour, so each square was sewn separately.
3. Sew a precise 1/4 inch seam. Use the same sewing machine for the whole project.
3. Pin all of the seams so that they line up. I spent a lot of time doing this step.
4. Patience.
5. Patience.
6. Patience.
7. The most important lesson. What was a thinking, was I mad???? a bit crazy??? a little bit on both counts. If you decide to do a project like this, DON'T, change your mind and forget it.
Don't get me wrong I did enjoy doing this project, and now that the time consuming part of it has been completed I am glad that I did it and I am very pleased with the result.
Hope you are having a great Wednesday.
Hope you are having a great Tuesday.
Today is promising to be another lovely day, but mid week the forecast is calling for some snow.
Have a great Sunday